But what can i do? I had no choice but to flow along.. To be truthful, im somewhat relieved we ain't taking classes together.. And i hate the way she has access to see prof yemis ass too. I'm too territorial. I don't care about the fact that all others can see it too.
I pray their physics lecturer gets well quick.. I sat in the front row today; i came in Early enough. He walked in and as usual, the hush descended. He spoke and turned chemistry to art.. I fell in love deeper with him. I resolved to make him mine. Come rain or sunshine. I'd do anything to get him. Anything.
I just date guys for the fun of it, but im currently single.. I'd promised myself to go after the next man who catches my fancy. I'm 27 years and I'm ready to get married. Yemi is prime for me. Rich, handsome, educated to the tee and unbelievably sexy. What more do i want?.. I'm going to make sure i get close to him and seduce his destiny.
The class rounded up and he made an exciting announcement that made my heart jump with joy.. "The department needs some students among you guys to supervise the undergraduate students during their practicals. It's purely voluntary. You'd get to work personally for me and some other lecturers too. Those of you interested should come to my office for a short interview.." He smiled.." It's a really great opportunity to..." I tuned out..
My head was already in the clouds.. For the first time, i didn't listen intently to his voice.. I was madly happy. An opportunity to work with prof yemi.. In his office, lab or anywhere.. I'm ready to be his slave.. I'd do anything for him. I felt myself getting wet from the perverse thoughts running through my mind.. I'm a little bit masochistic and i love the stinging pain that comes from a man's hand.. His hands look capable of spanking me to hell and back.. I saw him wrapping his hands around my throat as he slid his cock deep in me.. I laid my head on the table to enjoy and visualise my imagination's better.. I licked my lips and wondered at the taste of his dick.. I imagined him choking me with it..
"Hey what's wrong with you.. Tap that lady with her head on the table.." I raised my head up and looked straight into his eyes.. I felt electricity spark through me.. "What's wrong? Is my class that boring?" he asked. I could feel his eyes and others boring into me.." No sir, i just feel slightly tired".. I said, barely above a whisper.. But since the class was so silent; you could hear a pin drop, my voice was a bit audible..
"Alright then. The class is over anyway.." He gave us some assignments and left.. He noticed me! I caught his attention!!! I'm so happy!! I sat in the hall while the class emptied around me.. He looked into my eyes! Wow!.. "Let's rush to his office tade, i really want to be chosen by him.." I heard a lady tell her friends..
Oh! That's true! What am i still doing here! The interview..! I packed my laptop and books and rushed out; straight to his office.. I got there and stopped. I rubbed my eyes in astonishment.. The queue was seriously long.. Wrapping around the corridor.. I shrugged and joined them., he will pick me.
I felt inordinately dissatisfied.. Nowadays, i don't feel complete with just the sweet lovemaking with my wife.. I feel like something is missing.. I want to handle her roughly.. Fuck her from behind.. Leave trails of hickey on her neck.. But, i don't want her to feel bad.. She's my wife.. Meant to be treated with respect.. Yet i feel this deep yearning in me.. To dominate her.. Fuck her roughly; yet with tender handling and loving.. To swallow her up and yet feel myself being swallowed..
I snapped out of my thoughts and realized that i needed to conduct an interview.. The students started coming in one by one.
I saw the queue move fast and i was both angry and happy. Angry because it means i won't spend more than 2 minutes with him and happy because the line is moving fast and I'd get to him quickly..
I heard the girls behind me say "Even if you go naked, he won't notice you.." My ears perked up when I realized they are talking about my future husband.."his he homo' nii? Why not? With my big ass?! I'm sure he cant resist this.. " she even slapped her ass. I shook my head in denial.. It's only my ass he'd be grabbing..
"He's married! Shey you don't know nii? The other girl replied..
I shattered. What?! Married? How come it's not a general knowledge?! How come he's not wearing a ring?! How come a lot of ladies are still after him?!.." and i heard he loves her so much.. he also has a little girl too.." I felt my heart crumble into bits.. He's married? Married?! What the fuck.. Who's the lucky bitch that got him?! Is she maad?! He's made for me! Just me!! I fumed in my mind.. I can't let an opportunity to get close to him pass me by. I must at least confirm!
1 week later.
I'm not going to let him pass through my fingers like the others! I will eliminate all obstacles barring him from me.. I've been mooning over him for weeks and you can't imagine the kind of heartbreak that went through me when i heard he's married.. I felt shattered but I'm back and better now. I'm letting nothing as flimsy as a marriage stop me..
I stalked his house for some days now, and Ive seen how he and that woman( i refuse to call her his wife; operates).. Shes usually at home in the evening but he comes home late everyday.. Good.
I'm eliminating any thing or person in my way.. Time waits for no Man.. After i clear every obstacle standing between him and I, then I'd now make my move.. Sweet. I felt glee spread in my soul..
I got to his house and rang the bell confidently.. His beautiful wife opened the gate. So, this is the silly bitch standing between me and my fantasy lover right?! I'm seeing her up close for the first time.
She smiled at me in confusion and said.."Excuse me?" "Oh, I'm sorry ma, I'm a student of your husband at school, and I wanted to drop some assignments for him"
"Come in," she said... I stepped in and then she closed the gate.
She frowned " I'm sorry but my husband is not home yet, moreover, this is his home not work; i suggest you go to.."
That was the last statement she made in this life.. Her eyes bulged as the knife i held in my gloved hands swiped her throat in a flick.. I did it casually. No fuss at all.
She fell down and drowned in her own blood. She gurgled on it and her blood spread all over the floor.. The expression on her face was that of shock. She never expected it.. I chuckled.
A bit of blood sprayed on my shirt; but it's black, thank God.. I kicked her body for staining my cloth. Nonsense woman. You can't even die without making me wash. Bitch. I kicked her again.
I squatted, then, wiped the knife clean on her shirt. I stood up and opened the gate, stepped out and left.. I strolled to the next street where i parked the car. I entered it and drove off. I'm seriously angry about the stain though. She deserves another kick.. I briefly considered going back to kick her, but i changed my mind..
No one stands between me and my goal. No one.
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