I was on a call, and I rushed in there; trying to make sense of a deal went wrong with my manager. Then I see this doe eyed chick; staring at me in confusion.
I made a sign with my hand. She gave a little smile and gestured to me to continue my conversation. I clicked the off button and then asked ‘Can I help you?’
‘I’m sorry, I’m going to this address, but I lost my way’
‘Oh? And you had to follow me up the way into my apartment for that?’ i said in exasperation.
‘Sorry, you were on a call’ she whispered with a self deprecating smile.
I grumble in my mind. Girls.
I took the paper from her and told her ‘You’re going to this exact same building, but opposite’.
I turn to enter my apartment.
She grabbed my hands and I swear I felt a rip of current slice through me.
She dropped my hands like hot coal. ‘Sorry. Could you please take me?’
At that moment, I felt like everything she wants will be handed to her. I will do anything to worship her.
‘Lets go my queen’ I say, fevered.
Her smile transformed her face and I saw the hint of a fang.
Dammit, I wish she’d pierce me.
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