He was wearing a tight fitted pink pant and I didn't bother about the rest part because I knew they were well dimensioned, as the goal was the crotch. We had something in common today- lateness. The usher directed us to the last floor, perfect. He had a grin I topped it with a blush😊. Only two seats- isn't the devil the greatest of all times😅. I was fucking dripping, my bud is throbbing, labia gasping for the log like it has been starved for ages, and truly it had been.
While sitting, he had to repack him self my eyes flicked there and I saw that it was a handful. I had to do my first church prayer "God don't let it be scrotum, bless me with a 10inches cock". Amen to how quick can it ever be, I'm without panties and he's got a jeep.
The service was over, my flaps have done their round alone what a boring round, I'm bringing the ketchup soon, chill baby, giggling in my head has I cat walked in his front. Have I listed my qualities yet? my hip is like that of @_sleeqie_'s, my waist slim like that of Coca-Cola bottle tip, my breast like an African's maiden and body tone, definitely African. Not too much of work to be done on my dress it a wrap dress need just to be unwrapped.
We got to his jeep, and I asked can you drive with one hand on the wheel? He answered smoothly. He had piano fingers and he drove two ways (on the wheel and into the pussy) but I got mad along the way and I asked him to park, could you believe his jeep was tinted?
After a wild ride with my palm riding on his dick, now standing like oromiyan staff at ile-ife. We crawled to the backseat positioning myself like that of a German shepherd waiting for instructions from her master, then came a knock them I woke up on my bed in my room. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
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