I want you to hunt me
Me, as I seek and run
Running while your roar your beast
Beastly while you track yours; I
I toss and turn
Turn as sleep eludes my psyche
Psyche that has never beheld you
You yet rob me of rest
Rest, even as I feel your presence
Presence which is Angelic not
Not unlike what is dark and delicious
Delicious like the tang of bitter chocolate
Chocolate with a tinge of sour lemon
Lemon; You’re like thunder
Thunder that is Big and huge
Huge, with a growl to match
Match and catch; while you plunder my snatch
Snatch it all! You’ve taken over my senses
Senses unruly by undiluted opium
Opium causing ecstasy of the rawest delights
Delights leaving me in billows of love
Love that I hate the power you wield
Weilding worse because you don’t even know I
I sigh and think
Thinking of how you prowl and gaze
Gaze into my soul, im your next meal I think
Thinking.. When dost this end?
Endless years you’ve been on my mind
Mind you, But we’re light years apart

Airing dreams of having your kids run
Running my hands to calm you down
Down and strong, trying to tame your beast
Beastly beautiful, yet I’ve never beheld you
You yet slip fingers through holes of my consciousness
Consciously, they drag apart my reserve
Reserving and creeping into dangerous depths
Deep, even as i scream in love
Lovely, yet I’m bereft of your cups and still
Still the wine bottle is empty
Emptied; It was never filled yet
Yet im drunk on desire
Drunk on thoughts of you
You make me feel
Feel things i cannot
Cannot allow to exist
Existence makes me have sleepless dreams
Dreams of you and I
I and you, although we never Exist..
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